Cloud Services

Amsoft is proud to announce Amsoft Cloud services. For $50/month plus setup, you can forget about your in-house server, data, multi-office, and mobility issues.

What is it?

“Amsoft Cloud” is a growing bundle of services that uses the internet to expand your office to any computer with an internet connection. The implications are numerous–no more server maintenance, data loss, or driving to the office for something you need. Cloud services are perfect for remote users, multi-office setups, and anyone who wants to cut the costs associated with an in-house server.


Amsoft Cloud was implemented and tested in some of the most challenging environments our beta testers could throw at us. More about our testing phase here.

Is the cloud right for you?

If you only ever need to access your data at the office, and your in-house server is reliable, secure, and is being backed up remotely as well as locally, Amsoft Cloud will not improve

  • Do you ever need to access Amsoft data from outside the office?
  • Is your in-house server lacking? Is it not up-to-date, unreliable, not secure, or are you not 100% sure about your on-site and off-site backups?
  • Do you have users who work outside the office?

Many offices will answer “no” to all of these, and do not need the cloud. On the other hand, if any of these questions give you pause, call us to discuss how Amsoft Cloud can streamline your operation while cutting costs.

Is your office cloud compatible?

Give us a call at 800.330.1951. We’ll measure your connection speed and can answer any questions.

Where are we going with this?

We conclude that the internet is technology mature enough for the no-nonsense task of agency management. Your customers and employees have increasingly grown up with the internet having always been there. They don’t relate to data and resources being locked down to certain places, inaccessible to customers and agents alike when it is most needed.

Once your data is freed from the confines of your office, incredible things are possible.

We will integrate with ratings software and have upload/download from insurance providers.

The big guys offer their customers branded apps to use with their policies, and so will you. We also have an app in the works that will run on any device, features your business name and logo, and allows your customers to pay their bill, review their policies, start a claim, show digital proof of insurance, and more. Info on the Amsoft Cloud app is forthcoming.


 How much does it cost?

Introductory pricing: Amsoft Cloud requires a one-time $50 per computer setup fee, and only $50 per agency per month thereafter. Larger data footprints (>10GB) cost a few dollars more per month.

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